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"Jim Phelan is truly a one-of-a-kind coach. No one, and I mean no one ever again, will probably coach at one school as long as he has. It is absolutely remarkable. It will be a great tribute to have coaches across the country pay homage to a person of his caliber."

- Bill Self, Illinois

"I think it's a wonderful story. Jim Phelan committed his life and his career to one school, as done a great job and the school has appreciated it. This is a rare thing in college athletics today. He's a man of impeccable character, and it's nice to see him retire with dignity from the profession."

- Dave Faucher, Dartmouth

"Jim Phelan is one of the great coaches ever! He has done it well and done it with class."

- Bob Huggins, Cincinnati

"Jim Phelan Bow Tie Day is a wonderful gesture to a true gentleman. He is the true definition of what coach should be."

- Phil Martelli, St. Joseph's

"For 49 years Jim Phelan has coached with dignity and class and his presence will most certainly be missed."

- Lute Olson, Arizona

"Jim Phelan is class and consistency. He has stood the test of time as a teacher, and coach, and there are no two greater words to be called than those."

- Willis Wilson, Rice

" I should be wearing a bow tie for every game this season to honor coach Jim Phelan."

- Pete Strickland, Coastal Carolina

"Through nearly half a century, Jim Phelan has had a positive influence on so many people and those people have taken his qualities and character into their chosen profession. Jim Phelan has made a lot of neighborhoods and communities a better place to live."

- Bo Ryan, Wisconsin

It's a great tribute for Coach Phelan. He's meant a lot to the game and has been in the profession a long time. Having coaches in bow ties is a neat way to pay tribute to all he's done for the game of basketball."

- Gene Keady, Purdue

"In all my years of coaching, this is the best thing that I have ever heard of. I think it is a terrific idea and a great way for all coaches to say thank you to Coach Phelan."

- John Giannini, Maine

"I will be wearing a bow tie on March 1st not because it looks good on me and not because that is how I'll remember Coach Phelan. I will be wearing a bow tie strictly in honor of a tremendous coach and a better person. I feel privileged to have played and coached against one of the all time greats."

- Dave Calloway, Monmouth

"Jim Phelan is one of classiest men in college basketball, and if wearing bow ties on March 1 helps bring him the honor and recognition he deserves, I'm all for it."

-Doug Oliver, Idaho State

"Coach Phelan is one of the reasons that college coaching is the great profession that it is today. His ability to sustain greatness over a long period of time is admirable."

- Tim Buckley, Ball State

"I am a big Jim Phelan fan. He has been a role model for so many young people and so many coaches everywhere. Jim Phelan Bow Tie Day is a great way to pay tribute to a great guy."

- Kelvin Sampson, Oklahoma

"I was fortunate enough to grow up in Philadelphia and followed Coach Phelan's career closely. Without him knowing it, he's been a great role model. A childhood friend of his is Hall Of Famer Paul Arizin. I was a close friend of Paul's son Dennis. Mr Arizin and I would talk about basketball and coaching. He would tell me how he and Jim played the game and how it should be played today. What Jim has accomplished is truly remarkable. I don't feel the game has passed Jim by; if anything, today's coaches should be more like Jim Phelan. Our student-athletes would certainly benefit from this approach to coaching. I'm looking forward to wearing the bow tie and letting the world know how great a coach Jim Phelan has been."

- Steve Donahue, Cornell

"Everybody should wear a bow tie to pay tribute to coach Phelan. He has meant so much to coaches everywhere."

- Barry Hinson, SW Missouri State

"You are not going to find a better guy in coaching than Jim Phelan. He is a tremendous person."

- Dave Magarity, Marist

"Bow Tie Day is a great idea. Jim Phelan is one of best and he deserves to have such a tribute."

- Seth Greenberg, South Florida

"Coach Phelan deserves a day like this. He has meant so much to so many people."

- Bruiser Flint, Drexel

"When I think of Jim Phelan, two things come to mind - - A beautiful man and a bow tie. He continues to an inspiration to so many people. His retirement will create a a void in College Athletics that will never be filled."
- Angela Lento, CollegeInsider.com

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