Kevin Durant: Things You Didn't Know

Kevin Durant is one of the biggest stars in the NBA today and is highly regarded as a top all-time player. Right now, he's making the headlines for requesting a trade away from the Brooklyn Nets. Now, it's still unclear where the 33-year-old power forward will move to or whether he'll move at all. What is known is that most of the teams in the NBA would love to have him. The main problems are his salary and his expectations.

The NBA season won't start until October, which gives Durant plenty of time to find a team. It also means sports bettors have lots of time to find the best online sportsbooks. If you're looking to bet on the NBA's next season, you can check out for the best online sportsbook offers and reviews.

While most people know that Durant was a first-round draft pick, NBA Rookie of the Year, and has won the NBA Championship twice, there's a lot that fans don't know about his career. Here are some of the most interesting facts about him.

He Followed the Raptors as a Kid

Everyone grows up supporting a basketball team when they're young, and most people follow that team throughout their whole life. It's a little different for the players, as they often must put their allegiances to one side when they sign a contract. However, Durant did follow a team when he was younger, the Toronto Raptors.

Although he was born and grew up in Washington, Durant loved watching the Raptors and has named Vince Carter as one of his favourite players. While there are current rumours about what team he'll play for next season, there's always the possibility he could join his childhood team.

He's Won Three Olympic Gold Medals

Most athletes live their lives without ever getting a chance to compete in the Olympics. For US basketball players, earning a spot on the Olympic team is incredibly difficult as there's so much competition. Durant received his invitation to the Olympic team on three separate occasions, going to London in 2012, Rio in 2016, and Tokyo in 2021.

As is tradition, the US basketball team dominated in all three Olympics, meaning Durant received three gold medals. Of course, he didn't win these on his own, but he was part of an extremely talented and competitive team that gave everything to bring gold back to the US.

He averaged 20 Points a Game as a Rookie

Most NBA fans know that Kevin Durant was Rookie of the Year in his first year in the NBA. However, most don't know just how good his first year was. At just 19 years old, Durant proved that he was going to be one of the best and racked up an impressive average of 20 points per game.

This feat is made more impressive by the fact that he's only one of three teenagers to average 20 points per game in the NBA. The other two players to achieve this record are the legendary Lebron James and Carmelo Anthony.

He Has His Own YouTube Channel

These days, being a YouTuber can lead to greater fame than even being on TV or in the movies. Lots of people launch their careers on YouTube, but Durant is someone that started a YouTube channel while already famous. He started his channel in 2017, originally to share videos and clips with fans.

However, he decided to launch Boardroom with entrepreneur Rich Kleiman. This channel aims to give sports fans an inside look at the business of sports, including interviews and showcases from people interested in the industry. It has over 700,000 subscribers, and there are loads of interesting videos.