Most Popular Basketball Events to Bet on

Basketball is one of America’s most popular exports in the world of sport. In fact, it is currently the second most watched and most beloved sport in the world, with over 2 billion fans. Naturally, with such a large following, basketball is also a hot bed for bettors.

In the United States, where basketball got its start, betting on the sport is incredibly popular. That is why, we would like to talk about the most popular basketball betting events, and give you a general idea of where to start, if you are interested in the sport, or in wagering.

Basketball at the Summer Olympics

First and foremost, we have to pay homage to one of the most popular and most famous basketball tournaments, the basketball Summer Olympics competition. Attended by some of the most popular basketball players of their era, the Summer Olympics have played a huge role in the popularization of basketball as a sport.

Of course, the Summer Olympics in general are an incredibly popular event, sitting comfortably in the top 10 most watched sporting events in the world. By itself, that necessitates that it will get a ton of people wagering on the various disciplines, with basketball betting being one of the most popular options.

March Madness

College sports are pretty big all over the world. However, they hold a special place in American culture and society. For many fans of basketball, the college tournaments are much more exciting than the professionals. Therefore, betting on the college events is also a lot more exciting. And no college basketball competition gets Americans more riled up than March Madness.

As the name suggests, the tournament begins in March, and goes for about a month. It is a single-elimination competition, raising the stakes significantly for many betting enthusiasts. But, it is that raising of stakes that gets a lot of people excited. In terms of popularity in the USA alone, March Madness might just be the most popular basketball event to bet on.

The NBA Playoffs

The NBA elimination tournament is held every year with one goal in mind; to determine who the next basketball champion is going to be. The National Basketball Association is largely considered the top tier of basketball, not just in the USA, but in the world as well. A lot of the greatest players from all over the world end up playing on an NBA team.

Of course, the NBA playoffs are hugely popular on various betting websites. Bookies create match bets, point spreads, and various props for the tournament. Tons of fans flock to online bookies from all over the world, in order to wager on their favorite NBA team.

The EuroLeague

The final event we are looking at is the EuroLeague. Held every year and organized by FIBA, the EuroLeague is considered by most to be the absolute top-tier of men’s basketball in Europe. With high-level performances and high-stakes, a lot of bettors who enjoy taking risks flock to the EuroLeague to place a wager on their favorites.